Adding Department List (Payroll) API for Financial Edge

We have a requirement for a Department/Payroll API End Point to support feature parity with our current features where-in we are using direct SQL queries to retrieve Financial Edge Department data.

We don't require full CRUD operation but just read access should be OK.

We are expecting at least the following columns in the result.


and "LastModified" query string filter for the endpoint.

  • Guest
  • Apr 17 2018
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Eddie Barker commented
    June 19, 2019 13:55

    We announced on 6/18/2019 that IOIPay has been selected as our preferred payroll partner. Blackbaud will not be doing any additional feature development on our payroll capabilities. We will still fix critical bugs and release EOY tax updates in December 2019 and December 2020. No end-of-support date has yet been announced. Once that date is reached, payroll will be inaccessible in Financial Edge. To arrange a demo of IOIPay Payroll/HCM capabilities as you plan your conversion, you can contact Thanks!