Reporting on time in prospect status

I am not taking credit for posting this to the idea bank, this has been tied up in Community posts for a couple of years. However, I would love to be able to report on the date that is displayed regarding how long an opportunity has been in a certain status. NXT is not just for the fundraiser :)

Shannon Koehn

WSU Foundation

Posted by Meghan Rehbein on Feb 2, 2017 10:18 pm

Is there going to be any way to report on the length of time that prospects stay within a specific prospect status?  Right now, in order to see how many prospects haver 'overstayed' their time in a status, we need to review each individual constituent record, and look at the 'days in status' feature on the prospect managemnt tile.  

Thank you,
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2019
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  • Ash Gelderblom commented
    07 Nov 11:39

    And the comments!