Need a way to get the giving history for a particular constituent. I can currently download all constituents, and then get all gifts, store the two and reference them, but would be nice to simply query the API for what I need.
Thank you for submitting this idea! We can definitely look into adding a constituent filter on the Gift list endpoint, if you think that would suit your use case.
To clarify the Gift entity that you're seeing in the Constituent entity reference, that is specifically for use by the first, latest, and greatest gift endpoints. I apologize for any confusion that may have caused, and hope that helps.
The functionality to include a constituent ID filter on the gift list has been released! For more information, please see the Gift API changelog.
Thanks Halley... yes, would be very helpful to have the constituent ID filter on the Gift list endpoint. Thanks!
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for submitting this idea! We can definitely look into adding a constituent filter on the Gift list endpoint, if you think that would suit your use case.
To clarify the Gift entity that you're seeing in the Constituent entity reference, that is specifically for use by the first, latest, and greatest gift endpoints. I apologize for any confusion that may have caused, and hope that helps.
Thanks again for the idea!
verified: no gifts list comes back when "get"ing a contituent, although oddly enough, gifts are a part of the entity!
Maybe all this data comes back with the constituent entity? If so, I apologize for requesting. The example response did not make it clear.