Add a Schedule Get to the API

Currently there is no way (that I know of) to pull daily schedule information from the onProducts. Ideally there would be a call that would return blocks and times for a specific date or array of dates.

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  • Stephen Boyle commented
    July 19, 2022 11:45

    Earlier this year we released an endpoint that returns all section meetings for a date range, called Schedules Meetings. It sounds like this is what you have been looking for. By default it returns Academic meetings, but can return Activities, Advisory etc.

    So, if you specify a given day, all the class meetings for that day will be returned - not the generic block meetings. The class/course information is included with each meeting.

    "section_id": 1,
    "section_identifier": "Identifier",
    "course_title": "Course Title",
    "group_name": "Group Name",
    "block_id": 3,
    "block_name": "Block Name",
    "room_id": 1,
    "room_name": "Room Name",
    "room_number": 1,
    "room_capacity": 20,
    "room_code": "Code",
    "faculty_user_id": 1,
    "faculty_name": "Stark, Tony",
    "faculty_firstname": "Tony",
    "faculty_lastname": "Stark",
    "start_time": "1970-01-01T13:00:00Z",
    "end_time": "1970-01-01T14:00:00Z",
    "meeting_date": "2022-02-02T00:00:00Z",
    "attendance_required": true,
    "attendance_taken": false,
    "num_absent": 0,
    "attendance_id": 12,
    "level_number": 1,
    "offering_type": {
    "id": 1,
    "description": "Academics"

  • Ryan Johanneson commented
    February 09, 2021 22:07

    I hope this is still getting some attention. I miss this functionality, being an Education Edge convert!

    So far, the only means I've been able to find that comes anywhere close to this is to lookup a teacher's classes (V1AcademicsTeachersByTeacher_idSectionsGet) then for each section look up the cycles assigned to that section (V1AcademicsSectionsBySection_idCyclesGet) and then look up the master schedule for that cycle (V1AcademicsSchedulesMasterGet) using the start_date and end_date. If you want to try and be more specific for the level_num, you then need to start drilling into the courses using course_code, and then into departments, and....

  • Deleted User commented
    March 02, 2018 18:37

    Thanks for the feedback, Julie. In the future we hope to provide some better endpoints into onRecord/scheduling functionality, but I don't have a timeframe for it yet.

  • Julie Horvath commented
    March 02, 2018 18:29


    There is no way to get the full schedule data for the entire year once it is created.I want a Master Schedule - not one for a particular student or teacher.

    You can export month views, but it's only an export, not live, so any updates to the schedule for that month would not be reflected in wherever you've downloaded it to.

  • Steven Cinquegrana commented
    November 06, 2017 20:04

    Hi Jake,

    Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification. We'd made some progress with getting one of the ideas - FE and RE Queries - voted up and then, BOOM!

    All good.

    Cheers, Steve

  • Deleted User commented
    November 06, 2017 19:58

    Hi again Steve, I think the confusion is coming from the fact that the K12 API ideas were migrated over from another location, and are now under SKY API under the K12 API category. So you wouldn't have seen the K12 ideas unless you were looking in the previous location. The good news for you is that these ideas are handled by a different team, so they're not pulling resources away from the team working on the Constituents API.

  • Steven Cinquegrana commented
    November 06, 2017 19:34

    Hi Jake,

    Until yesterday, "Lookup Constituent By Constituent ID (In addition to the System ID)" was leading the charge with 10 votes. Today, three ideas topped that with 11, 18 and 18 respectively, seemingly out of nowhere.

    When I click the Votes table for any of these, I see a blank - no vote entries (refer attached eg). Must be a bug somewhere, or I need to subscribe to something I'm not maybe.


  • Deleted User commented
    November 06, 2017 19:24

    Hi Steve, not sure what you mean. When I look at the votes for this, they've been coming in since May, with the last ones in October. Maybe they weren't showing properly before, but the only thing changed on this is the product they're under. We're grouping the API requests under SKY API with a sub category of K12 API now.

  • Steven Cinquegrana commented
    November 06, 2017 19:09

    How did this idea go from 0 to 11 votes overnight without a single actual vote showing here? I'd just like to understand the rules, not saying that the idea isn't valid.

  • Guest commented
    May 31, 2017 12:00

    The "Find Me Now" API, though interesting, doesn't have what I need. I need access to class meeting times, not an individual student's schedule.

  • Guest commented
    May 19, 2017 23:36

     @ W D

    No idea, I tried to replace it with some numbers but it seems like it might be site dependent.

    Student: personaId:2&viewerPersonaId=6

    Teacher: personaId:3&viewerPersonald=6

    I see then when I open my network tab and tried to search for someone using the "People Finder" in onRecord.

  • Guest commented
    May 18, 2017 15:17

    @Tien Bui

    It doesn't work for me. Could you explain what "personaId" and "viewerPersonaId" are?

  • Guest commented
    May 12, 2017 18:30

    Looks like the "Find me now" would show daily schedule, try this to see if it fits your need:

    GET: api/datadirect/DashboardFindMeNowGet/?userId=4109377&personaId=2&viewerPersonaId=6&t=${token}


  • Guest commented
    May 08, 2017 15:04

    Also, it would be good to pull the schedule for a given class section or individual.

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