We use the Gift Code to categorise specific types of gift. If the Gift Code is exposed by the Gift (and Gift List) endpoints we will be able to enhance our reporting capability with a third-party tool.
There is a thread regarding this field's omission on the Blackbaud Community forum here: https://community.blackbaud.com/forums/viewtopic/494/37619?post_id=144249#p144249
Is there any update on this? its incredibly frustrating to have to run a separate api for each gift to just get one static field that can be part of the gift list...
It's been over 6 years since this idea has been posted. Are there any updates for this? It feels silly that I need to cycle through a list of Gifts and do an additional call to each Gift just to get the Gift Code.
+1 on the ability to obtain Gift Code values, through either the Gift List endpoint, or as a stand-alone endpoint like the Gift Subtype GET endpoint.
A stand-alone endpoint that returns distinct values actually sounds ideal for our use-case; we would like to get a distinct list of gift codes to display to a user, so they can configure a setting to set a gift code on a gift on export.
Updating the title to specify the Gift List since the Get Gift option is shipped.
Yes, it looks like it's on the GET Gift endpoint, however this is not entirely useful as to pull this we would need to make over 900,000 requests to this endpoint (over 35 days of requests with API limits). Is there any way this field could be added to the Gift List as was originally requested?
Any new updates on this?
When is this going to be added?
Yes, please! How long will it take to get this added as an additional API command?
Just following up to see if this field is on the pipeline to be added on the gift api? we use this field heavily for our reconciliation purposes, so it would be great if this could be added to the api
Our organisation uses the Gift Code field to assign the specific bank account where the donation came into. We can then identify and analyse the various bank accounts donations are coming into. It is critical for our donations processing and reconciliation. Please add this Gift Code field to the API and expose it to developers so they can design better API facilities. A Garciga.
Checking in again. Any ETA yet?
We are still in need of this field. Do you guys have an ETA yet? There hasn't been a response in about 9 months.
Do we have an ETA on this field yet?
We are looking into adding this property to the gift entity. I will update when I have more information about expected delivery.