Ability to read Alerts

Please add the ability to read "Alerts" for Constituents.

In our previous RE7 use we often stored specific annotations on the Constituent, Fund, and Gift records that were intended as alerts. In NXT alerts exist for Constituents, but currently the SKY API cannot pull these.

Ideally alerts or notes with a specific type would be able to be pulled by the SKY API for Constituents, Gifts, and Funds.



  • Guest
  • Mar 7 2019
  • Attach files
  • Christine Prete commented
    October 15, 2023 16:47

    Any update on this request? It would be extremely beneficial to have this field in a flow.

  • Dan Snyder commented
    December 13, 2022 14:12

    Constituent Summary Note would be great for the creation of a one-page printable (I know, not for me) profile add-in and also for a process we use when sending letters to the President for their signature. If we can include that basic summary information it at least gives them an idea of who they are or reminds them who they are for folks they have met.

  • Barton Dyson commented
    September 14, 2022 14:44

    In addition to reading the alert, it would also be helpful to add or change the alert through an existing constituent via API, based on external activity. If that capability was added, it would also be useful to determine if the alert should show automatically or now.

  • Sue Bowles commented
    April 22, 2021 08:24

    agreed, alerts and the constituent summary note please